Here are some helpful links as we try to understand the breadth and depth of this current crisis. Good overview of Unemployment Insurance CLICK
Virginia Ranks #6 Best State For Workers
There are a LOT of rankings and polls coming out these days. Some are credible others less so. Recently, a ranking was released
Key Takeaways: 2/12/20
Here's a roundup of the most important business news affecting Virginia and nationally: Payrolls "soared" in January but that didn't stop the
The Fiscal Impact Statement of the Repeal of Right To Work
The Department of Planning and Budget released their Fiscal Impact Statement on what would happen if the General Assembly repealed our current Right
Economy Takeaways: 1/31/20
But first a quiz! Which state will begin casting the first votes on Monday, February 3rd for the Democratic Presidential Nomination? CLICK HERE
Minimum Wage Bill: SB 7
Whenever a piece of legislation impacts the Biennial Budget, the Department of Planning and Budget issues its estimated costs so that legislators can
WSJ: Union Membership Down Again
The Wall Street Journal reported that union membership was down once again last year. "The number of union members fell by 170,000 in 2019—a year when
Right to Work Bill Introduced
Sen. Dick Saslaw has introduced a repeal of Virginia's Right to Work Law, SB 426, called the "Fair Share Fees" bill. You can find the summary at the
Health Care Costs Are Like a Tax
Two economists from Princeton, Anne Case and Angus Deaton, surmise that "America’s sky-high health-care costs are so far above what people pay in